About Us

Welcome to our website.

The “Toby Step” was initially built to help our Bernese Mountain Dog Toby to climb in and out of our vehicle when he was having difficulties after being diagnosed with GME - Granulomatous meningoencephalitis. Later it was used to help Chester, a Golden Retriever, to do the same thing. Not because of any illness but stop unnecessary impact on his joints. And now our new Bernese Mountain Dog Bertie uses it too.

Many people commented on it and after a long time it was made available for purchase.

The main reason behind making more steps was to help other poorly dogs. So it was thought the main beneficiaries would be ailing or unstable dogs and their owners but other perfectly fit dogs have found benefit from it as their joints do not have to suffer impact from jumping in or out of vehicles. Also owners of dogs now do not have to lift up wet, dirty and possibly heavy dogs into their vehicles.

The step is constructed from aluminium and steel and operates through a simple cantilever operation. Sizes and details have been improved through successive design changes to make it easier for you and your dog to use. Every step is tested by our resident testers Chester and Bertie, 45kg and 54kg respectively. Also every new step design is tested to destruction to provide necessary feedback on where any potential weak points may be. We all want to be safe rather than sorry.

The 3 widths made at present are intended to cover most common requirements but other sizes are a possibility so please email [email protected] for any specific needs. We will do our best to help. Also other forms of ramps can be designed to suit specific needs.

At present there is only shipping within the UK.

Safety Notice.
Please be aware the use of the steps is exclusively for the use by dogs on a lead and under control. A bounding dog can have huge amount of kinetic energy that could overload the mechanism. Thank you.