Sherman Step
Here is the new Sherman Step. It was built for dogs to get in and out of a motor home. The motor-home had an electric folding step which gave little assistance to the dogs for getting in or out of the motor-home.
The design took some time to get to the finished article as there were many details that needed ironing out.
This is the only step to date that we’ve built for humans as well as dogs.
It is called the Sherman Step after the first customer. She has large dogs so getting them in safely needed a bespoke solution for her motor-home. The pictures speak for themselves, the dogs get in and out without fear of injury.
They are not cheap, what they are is an excellent solution to a very common motor-home issue.
The design may possibly need minor changes for any individual motor-homes having a similar built-in folding step.
Please contact us for your bespoke motor-home step.